IELTS Reading Resolutions: SUMMARY COMPLETION – How to make it done quick as a wink?

SUMMARY COMPLETION question is typical and it appears quite frequently in real IELTS Reading tests. To succeed in this question, you should acquire the ability to understand the general meaning of the summary, the ability to scan for the correct information in the text as well as to identify synonyms and paraphrases. This article will provide you with …

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IELTS Reading Resolutions: How to free yourself from traps in MATCHING FEATURES questions?

Matching is always one of the hardest question types in IELTS test because it requires you the good understanding of what the text is talking about. However, in terms of matching features questions, I think they are difficult but easy. In fact, difficulty arises from the fact that the questions do not follow the order of the …

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IELTS Reading Resolutions: Matching sentence endings – How to make it right?

From my perspective, matching is always the most challenging question type and it takes considerable time to complete. In matching sentence endings questions, you will get a series of incomplete sentences and what you should do is matching them their correct endings using information from the text. Normally, there will be 5 or 6 sentences …

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The art of smart reading: Spotting main idea

Perennially,  the best way to understand an article is recognizing its main ideas. By understanding the main idea of each paragraph, we are more likely to tackle IELTS reading questions successfully. However, perceiving the main idea may not be easy for some people as they may confuse main ideas with major supporting ideas. In this blog, …

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IELTS Reading Resolutions: Matching Heading is never easy like that before

In the post How to read quickly but effectively within 60 minutes? I illustrated you how the keyword technique works with an example of solving matching heading questions. Today, I would like to show you some tips to tackle matching heading questions in a more effective way. The secret of solving matching heading questions falls behind what a …

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